Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tacky vs. Classy (or Superfluous)

Ever wonder why your man might be attracted to a woman who you never expected him to be attracted to? I mean, someone who looks nothing like you, her body image is the exact opposite of yours, and she may even be a different race? Does your man make stupid side comments walking through the mall or watching a television show when another woman pops up on the screen?  Ladies, don't they rub you the wrong way? And of course you know if you reply back to him, you're automatically "jealous" or "insecure." To which I reply (calmly) "Baby, there is nothing that that woman has that I don't have and haven't seen or played with a million times." 
Remember, the angrier you get about his off-the-wall comments which have no basic function other than to get you mad, the better he will feel.  So, play it cool, sistas.  Ride the wave.  Then when an attractive man pops up on the television, you gasp as though the wind was just knocked out of you OhmiGod! look at that fine piece of ass and that big strapping dick he has!  Jesus Christ I want him.!  Then leave the room. That oughta shut him up for a couple of months!
But seriously, what makes a man "observe" a woman who is so different from you? You may think she is tacky or ghetto or stank or whatever.  Her hair is not right, her clothes are not right, she is too tall, too fat, too skinny, ugly teeth, she has a bad attitude, she needs a makeover, her skirts are too short, pants too tight, etc. Or she could be the opposite.  She could be stuck up, thinks she is better, conceited, vain, narcissistic, etc. Of course we each think we are the best thing that has ever happened to our man.  Naturally. The answer is variety.  The more women your man attracts, the more virile and masculine he believes he is. A man is a hunter.  He really doesn't have the same peculiarities we have in seeking out a mate.  He just wants a woman to cook for him, give him sex (as much of it as possible) and shut up when the game is on.  We are a lot more picky. We have an entire laundry list or requirements.

So give him the three things we all know men want a woman for, and you'll get your way most of the time. Got it?  Good.

The thing is ladies, you gotta just get past these issues in your relationship.  If you know that your man's eyes wander and you also know he is faithful to you ad a good man, let it ride.  If you don't you'll go through this misery in ever relationship, and you'll never find a mate.


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